Press Releases

Clamshell BGA Socket with Bluetooth Temperature monitoring Socket your BGA using Extreme Temperature Socket with Superior Electrical Performance and monitor BGA case temperature

Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new BGA socket addressing high performance requirements for testing BGA devices with smart features. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 17 gram actuation force per ball and cycle life of 500,000 insertions. The


BGA Socket Adapter for 1924 pin, 1mm Pitch Xilinx Virtex-7 BGA Emulation Socket Adapter Allows Affordable, Reliable Socketing of ICs with different mounting configuration

Ironwood Electronics' new high performance BGA Socket Adapter, LS-BGA1924A-05, allows user to convert compression mount BGA socket which needs mounting holes (in target PCB) into conventional through hole soldering options. The adapter consists of machined Phosphorous Bronze pins pressed into


Probing Adapter for NANDFLASH Full Speed Debugging of 1mm pitch BGA132 is made easier with PB-BGA132E-NANDFLASH-01 Probe Adapter

Ironwood Electronics' PB-BGA132E-NANDFLASH-01 Probe Adapter which allows high-speed testing of Nand Flash while accessing the signals using testers via test pads. Ironwood Electronics is an expert in developing high-speed interfaces for processors, peripheral IC's and memory devices and is a


75GHz Clamshell BGA Socket for Power Semiconductors Quickly and easily Socket your 0.4mm pitch 6x9 array, 52BGA packages on any application board with performance equivalent to direct solder version

Ironwood Electronics has recently introduced a new BGA socket design using high performance elastomer capable of 75GHz, very low inductance and wide temperature applications. The GT-BGA-2024 socket is designed for 2.64x3.94 mm package size and operates at bandwidths up to


Clamshell Spring Pin Socket for Power Transistors Socket your 9 lead QFN using Extreme Temperature Socket with Superior Electrical Performance

Ironwood Electronics recently introduced a new QFN socket addressing high performance requirements for testing power transistor - CBT-QFN-7043. The contactor is a stamped spring pin with 19 gram actuation force per ball and cycle life of 125,000 insertions. The self